Next.js Noob Tries App Router (and RSC)
- Finalize Basic Company Data
- What data do I need to support?
- Fetch basic company information
- Strategy for ranking social media sentiment? What am I actually able to accomplish?
- APIs?
- How do people rank results that get returned?
- Keywords?
- Company Information:
- Name
- Ticker
- Description
- Market Cap
- Website
- Employee Count
Client Work
- Created Header - Opted for “use client” - primarily for active class on the links, but maybe I need it for more later?
- Created Initial Company Archive
- Created Initial Company Details
- Tested HackerNews Algoli API - not sure how I want to query it to get the information I’m after.
Server Work
- Decided to Add the Slug to the DB (not sure if this is a great idea or not)
TODO - Next Steps
- Should I move the Pocketbase import into a hook? Can I check for the data before I attempt to load it?
- Do I really care about the future of the initial data import? Will I use backups or exports moving forward?
- Strategy for ranking social media sentiment? What am I actually able to accomplish?
- APIs?
- How do people rank results that get returned?
- Keywords?
TODO - Goals
- Clean up the Company Directory UI
- Paginatation
- Expand Company Cards
- Placeholder for Filter UI (maybe ask V0 to mock one up)
- Do I really need to or want to search Hackernews on each page load? Should I do it on the backend and store the response?
- Can I be picky about what I store? How do I end up where I want to be?
- Quick TODO: Write down all the data points I get from the company API - so I don’t need to look it up later. JSON in the DB? I don’t know